
5 FAQ's about Great Place To Work

Who is Great Place To Work? What is the Trust Index? What does participating in Great Place To Work look like? And what does participation yield? In this article, we answer 5 frequently asked questions.

Great Place To Work
Leestijd 3 min
1 november 2023, geüpdatet 4 maart 2025
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Rather watch than read? In the video below, Mathieu answers the 5 frequently asked questions:

1. Who is Great Place To Work?

Everyone deserves a great workplace. That's why Great Place To Work helps organizations create an organizational culture where trust, pride and camaraderie for all are central. 

Here's how we do that:

  • Survey. Through our Trust Index we measure trust, pride and camaraderie in organizations. This survey tells organizations what's going well and what could be better.

  • Recognition. We recognize good employers through certification and the Best Workplaces list.

  • Development. We help organizations move towards a culture of trust, for example with leadership and team coaching. 

Because being a great workplace isn't about parties, an office dog or a ping pong table. It's about a culture of trust. We've known that for more than 30 years. 

2. What is the Trust Index?

Our employee survey is called the Trust Index. With this survey, we measure trust, pride and camaraderie in your organization.

It tells you what your employees think is going well and what could be improved. With these insights you can work towards a better culture and a stronger employer brand. 

The Trust Index is based on universal values, such as fairness and pride. Therefore, it can be conducted in any organization, regardless of size, industry or country. More than 10,000 organizations worldwide participate in the Trust Index each year. 

The Trust Index consists of 60 statements and 2 open-ended questions. The questions of the Trust Index are the same for every organization. This makes it possible to compare your results with organizations from the same industry, for example. This way you can immediately see how you score compared to your competitors.

It’s also possible to add your own questions, making the survey even better suited to your organization.

3. What does participating in Great Place To Work look like?

Participation consists of the following phases:

  • Preparation (± 6 weeks). In this phase, you’ll meet your Customer Success Manager. This is your first point of contact and the person who will guide you before, during and after the survey. In this phase you’ll handle all practical matters around the survey and set your goals. 

  • Survey (2 weeks). Once the survey is sent, it will be open for 2 weeks. You can view the results online immediately after it closes. There, you’ll also find out if your organization is certified.

  • Follow-up. Now it’s time for the real work. You discuss the results with your employees, identify the most important areas for improvement, and get to work on them. Of course you’ll also reflect on your successes. During this phase, your Customer Success Manager will regularly check in with you to see how the follow-up is going.

  • Evaluation. We will complete your journey with an evaluation. Together with your Customer Success Manager, you will look back on the survey and discuss whether you have achieved your goals. You will also look ahead to the upcoming survey. 

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4. How does Great Place To Work recognize good employers?

Employers who put their people first deserve a spotlight. That’s why we recognize good employers through certification and the Best Workplaces list.

5. What are the benefits of participation?

Participating in Great Place To Work means investing in trust. That may sound vague, but for more than 30 years we have known that a culture of trust leads to better business results. Organizations that score high on trust:

  • Generate more revenue

  • Grow faster in headcount

  • Are more productive and innovative, outperforming their competitors

Because we recognize good employers, participating also contributes to a strong employer brand. And that's a good thing in a job market that has never been tighter. Certified organizations:

  • Attract more talent

  • Know how to retain their employees

  • Save time, money and effort in terms of recruitment and selection, and keep valuable knowledge and experience in-house

In fact: more and more applicants are looking for their new employer via our website. And increasingly, being a great place to work is the deciding factor in choosing a new workplace.

Get started today

Book a free consultation with one of our experts and discover how we can help you build a culture of trust. 

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Great Place To Work
Met +30 jaar ervaring in 60 landen is Great Place To Work de wereldwijde autoriteit op het gebied van organisatiecultuur en goed werkgeverschap.

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