Checklist Emprising
You're about to set up the employee survey in Emprising. To help you get started, you'll find a helpful checklist below. Having trouble figuring it out? Consult the Knowledge Base.
Go to the Knowledge Base-
Have you set the language in which you want to see the results? Note: this does not concern the language in which employees will receive the invitation and questionnaire. You can set this in Step 3.
Will you invite invite all employees by email or with a login code? Then enter Yes' to the question ‘Will you upload demographic information for all survey takers?’.
Are you inviting employees who are not working in the Netherlands? Then make sure the correct countries are participating in certification.
You don't have to do anything here.
Have you added additional questions? Then make sure the statements are listed under 'Focus Areas & Statements' > 'Uncategorized Statements', multiple choice questions under 'Demographics', and open-ended questions under 'Open-ended Questions'.
Schedule & Messaging: are the start and end dates and times correct? Please also take note of the time notation of AM and PM.
Schedule & Messaging: have you filled out a Survey Contact Email?
Language: have you set the language in which employees should receive the invitation? Note: the language where the asterisk is colored is the language displayed at the top of the invitation and reminder(s).
If you are conducting the survey in multiple languages, are the translations correct? This only applies if you have added additional statements, demographic variables or open-ended questions.
Have you reviewed the Sample Survey? Do your additional custom questions appear there? Are the Invitation preview and Welcome preview correct?
Did you do the E-mail check?
Have you sent the IT checklist to your IT colleagues?
Have you downloaded and completed the template for the Employee Data File (EDF)?
Have you added the necessary columns to the first sheet of the EDF to indicate the organizational unit each employee belongs to (e.g., Department or Team)? If you are using the template, you do not need to add extra questions in Step 3 to include the organizational structure in the survey.
Have you filled in the language in the "Survey Invitation Language" column? This can only include the languages listed in the second sheet. The "Survey Invitation Language" column may remain empty, but it must remain in the template.
Have you filled in the "Country/Region" column? This can only include the countries listed in the third sheet. The "Country/Region" column is required.
Have you completed the columns for one (or more) of the four demographic variables (Managerial Level, Age, Tenure, Work Status)?
The columns for demographic variables that are not pre-coded can be removed from the first sheet. Duplicate questions for demographic variables that are included in the EDF must be removed in Step 3 to ensure that the EDF can be uploaded.
Are there groups with fewer than 5 employees? The results from these groups will not be reported due to their small size. You can choose to merge these groups with another group allowing you to obtain results. Alternatively, you can leave them as they are, but be aware that results from these small groups will not be reported.
Does the number of invited employees in the list match the number of employees working per country or region? If not, adjust this by clicking 'Edit' under 'Countries/Regions'.
Are there any red crosses? If so, resolve them first.
Certification/Recognition: have you checked Eligibilaty?
Resources: have you taken the E-mail Test?
Is everything listed correctly? And are all check marks green? Then click on 'Review for launch'.
A pop-up screen will appear. If everything is correct, click 'Approve launch'. Your survey is now ready!